Maybe one day we can get together and eat a bunch of caramels.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Evils of the "Woot-Off"

So I just finished my Subway Turkey Breast and Ham and I have just hit the refresh button on my web browser for the 900th time. I've made countless detours away from my job to check the website. I'm addicted to and its holy sacrament, the Bag of Random Crap.

Side note to the uninformed:

If you've never been on before, click on the link to see it for yourself. It's a deal-a-day website that specializes in techie stuff and electronic gadgets, things I have a weakness for. Normally you get one deal a day, and when it's gone, it's gone. But every now and then we have a woot-off. It lasts for around two days and basically consists of the Woot guys trying to clear the warehouse. (Hold on. I've got to go hit refresh...............................ok.)

The point of all this is to say that once during a woot-off, we have a chance to buy a bag of Random Crap. It's basically a grab bag consisting of 1-3 craps (depending on how many you specify) and bag of some sort (usually a camera bag). Normally people get stuff like crappy toys, (hold on.......ok), gel pens, flash drives, whatever. But every so often you could get something really special. Some people have gotten TV's, others computers, and during the most recent woot-off, two people got Nintendo Wii's. It's extremely unlikely you'll get anything you would want to keep, but as any gambling addict will tell you, the chance to score big keeps you in the game.

So here I find myself, completely useless today at work, hoping for a long shot at getting one before the Woot servers crash.

Hold on..........................................damn.