Maybe one day we can get together and eat a bunch of caramels.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Babies Are Like Unripe Peaches

Well, I finally have scratched out enough time to post an entry about my new babies. Sorry for the lag, but most of you have seen them. (John, your phone is jacked up, or you'd have seen them by now.) Anyway, they were born Aug. 22nd and are doing great. The whole experience was just great and was made more so by all the help we recieved from our wonderful friends and family. We couldn't have done it without you!

We also got moved into out apartment the next week, which made matters more confusing, but we got through it. I'll try to put up some pictures of it and some of its finer qualities. ;)

Also, Amy has won my "Name the Gunter Babies" contest. Some of you may be crying foul because Michael was not on the list. Her guess was Owen and Liam. However, I always liked Michael and simply neglected to include it on the list. The reason for this remains unclear to me. Amy has stated, (and I believe her) that she would have guessed Michael and Owen, because she too likes those names. So there.

Her reward, as promised, is a load of her favorite candy, Hot Tamales.
Unfortunatley, I don't have a picture of her at this time. Check this out instead.

On to the pictures....

Here is me, my dad, Andy and one of the twins.

Michael an the right, Owen on the left. (I think)

Take the previous and reverse it. (Again, I think)

Here they are sleeping together, as is the norm.

Hope you enjoyed that.

Gunter out.