Maybe one day we can get together and eat a bunch of caramels.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Precision Instruments of Precision

Just a quick word....I don't have a computer for the time being, so I won't be able to post much until that situation is remedied. Hopefully I can come up with something soon, but for the time being, my posts will be limited.

You'll probably remember I recently blogged about wanting to post more. While this goal hasn't changed, the main tool used to accomplish that task is no longer in my possession.

Work has been slow, however, so maybe I can just post while on the job.

A cool video for your trouble.

Also, a link I found interesting.

Another gentleman's blog on the history of the mustache.

Since videos and links are quick to post, I'll try to put one of these up frequently, so check back often for updates!

Peace dudes.


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