Maybe one day we can get together and eat a bunch of caramels.

Friday, June 09, 2006

How Do You Spell Funny?

The other day I was listening to the radio, as is common practice for me. During a commercial break from Kidd Kraddick in the Morning, I heard an advertisement come on for Valero Energy Corporation. If you haven't heard it, it's running on the local Clear Channel stations. You should hear it because they've been running it a lot in the morning.

Anyway, it begins with a man and a woman ridiculing former classmates at their high school reunion. They throw out all the typical stereotypes that one would expect, the guy with long hair is now bald, ect.. They then turn their misguided bitterness onto another person, and it sounds something like this:

Man: "Who is that tall blonde over there with the nice legs?"

Woman: "I don't know, but her name tag says...Gene Woodard?"

Man: "That's funny. The only Gene Woodard I knew was...our....fullback!"

It then proceeds to tell all about how Diamond Shamrock has changed their name to Valero but still provides all the same great services, blah, blah, blah. I say blah, blah, blah because the only thing that runs through my mind is the fact that they just used transsexual humor to try and sell me on their premium petroleum products and frosty cold beverages. Does the general public need a transsexual joke to entice them to stop in for 5 gallons and a Coke and Cherry ICEE? Additionally, do transsexuals take offense to that? Or are they stopping by in droves at Valeros (or is it Valeroes?) all over the Southwestern United States?

All fair questions I think. And ones that deserve answers. Because like I always say, nothing says "We offer quality gasoline and your favorite snacks" like a well-placed sexual-themed joke.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about?

11:09 AM

Blogger Jeremy said...

I spell it S-E-X-Y.

11:12 AM

Blogger DREW! said...

The transsexual jokes are all well and good, but deep down they hurt. Transsexuals are the unsung threads in the multi-sexual fabric that is our society. They are the ones who frost our bakery cakes; the ones who sytle our hair and coordinate our curtains with our duvet covers--and they never complain, they're happy to do it.

I'll tell you what, ten years ago that may have been a homosexual antecdote (i.e., "that's our fullback kissing the full-bodied and very male buffet-line chef"), but the gay and lesbian alliance have lobbied too actively for that ilk of sexual profiling to fly on the radiowaves of today. And there's nothing remotely funny about a heterosexual joke (i.e., "look, it's our old fullback from high school enjoying a cool refreshing Manhattan").

Where's Valero's last target for a cheap sexual send-up?

Transsexuals! Humanity's D-students.

I, for one, shall discontinue my Valero patronage until such a time as Valero issues a formal apology to transsexual-kind.

4:51 PM

Blogger Trent said...

Did you really use the word duvet? Impressive.

3:27 PM

Blogger DREW! said...

I like to "duvet" it up once and a while.

4:35 PM


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